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In Honor of Dr. Anne Wilson Schaef

Dr. Anne Wilson Schaef

March 22, 1934 - January 19, 2020

One of the main reasons that Boulder Hot Springs is still functioning and open to the public today is Dr. Anne Wilson Schaef. Anne was an owner and guiding force in the restoration of BHS who, in 1989, ignored pressure from people who said she should “bulldoze the old place” and instead decided to dig in and start to repair what was then a dilapidated hotel.

For over 30 years she guided the stewardship and preservation of this national

historic building and along with friends, colleagues, neighbors, relatives and the

Living in Process network from throughout the world, she kept BHS running until the time of her death in 2020. Anne and her crew took on the tasks of pulling out rotten drywall, cleaning out old furniture, painting and repainting and putting in significant amounts

of money to keep the place going.

When she wasn't working here at the Hot Springs, Anne traveled the world extensively

and achieved great success in her writing career. She published 18 books including the New York Times bestseller When Society Becomes an Addict and a multi-million seller titled Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much. She also developed an alternative form of healing called Living in Process which was internationally successful and is

headquartered at BHS. People from Europe, New Zealand, Australia and Canada are frequent participants at the Living In Process workshops at the Hot Springs.

Anne went to Jefferson High School in Boulder in the 1950’s and grew up soaking here in these thermal waters. Dr. Schaef was keenly aware of the important place BHS had in Montana’s history and continually worked toward making the Hot Springs a

place of healing for all who came here.

The current, surviving owners are continuing to keep it as a place of healing

for all who come here.


Boulder Hot Springs mission statement:

We pledge to be present here as individuals and a community to offer protection and healing to individuals, communities, these sacred waters, this beautiful land and this historic building for present and future generations and all our relations. 

We recognize that all creation is one and honoring that creation is reflected in the way

we live and work at this place. 

We make this pledge so that the possibility of healing, recovery, community and connection with the Creator and all creation is ever present here.


Anne was 85 when she passed away at her home in Arkansas. She is greatly missed by the staff, co-owners, and patrons of BHS and the people of Montana.

Thank you very much for your care and concern for Boulder Hot Springs.

We have been touched with all the kind words, letters, notes and support we’ve received since Anne’s passing.

She was herself, a Montana treasure.

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