Our Mission
We pledge to be present here as individuals and as a community to offer protection and healing to these sacred waters, this beautiful land, and this historic building for present and future generations and all our relations. We make this pledge so that the possibility of healing, recovery, community and connection with the Creator and all creation is ever present. We recognize that all creation is one, and honoring that creation is reflected in the way we live and work here.
Our Philosophy
Boulder Hot Springs Inn, Spa and Retreat Center has historically been a place of retreat, sanctuary, peace and healing. We are dedicated to supporting and perpetuating that important tradition.
We honor all people and all spiritual approaches here as well as all animals, the earth and all of creation. We especially honor the children who are the future and the elders who are the repositories of the wisdom of our ancestors and those who have gone before.
We realize that not everyone wants to be in a healthy smoke-free, alcohol-free, and drug-free environment. We realize that not everyone shares the values of a healthy environment for body, mind and spirit.
We respect your decisions and Boulder Hot Springs Inn, Spa and Retreat Center may not be the place for you. And, we also know that there are many who are seeking just such a place. For those of you who share our philosophy and dreams, here we are!
Because of these beliefs and commitments, we ascribe to the philosophy of being a “green hotel.” Being a green hotel means that we make every attempt to conserve and recycle by living with the planet instead of destroying it or using it up.
The philosophy practiced here is in keeping with very ancient traditions and the “latest” discoveries in quantum physics and chaos theory (although sometimes we seem better at chaos!). We try to have and live an open system approach in all that we do. This means that we welcome feedback and change and assume as we have more participation and information, we will all fare better in this place and on this planet. Therefore, we hope to create a place of retreat, rejuvenation and healing where all will feel that they have come home, and can come home to themselves.

We have been in the process of restoring this magnificent old building which has been so close to the hearts of so many native Montanans and visitors.
We have completely remodeled the heating system to take advantage of the geothermal waters so plentiful here.
We have had natural-fiber wool carpets especially designed in the native colors and hues of the natural landscape surrounding the inn.
We have lobbied with other hot springs in the state to get laws modified so that we do not have to add harmful chemicals to our plunges, so you get only the minerals nature intended.
Our 103-106F degree pools have a constant flow-through that completely changes the water in the plunges every four hours, thus ensuring the highest levels of pure thermal water.
Our plunges are also completely drained and cleaned every night. We have always far exceeded the health codes for cleanliness.
Our swimming pool uses the less toxic bromine to meet state standards.
Bed & Breakfast rooms and suites present our guests with only the best high-thread-count natural fibers in our sheets, towels and spa robes.
Rooms are smoke-free and technology free, so your stay will not be interrupted or disturbed.
As we have come to know and gradually restored this building, we have recognized that “we cannot heal and restore the people and the building without restoring the land, and that we cannot restore the land without healing the people and the building.”
Clearly, all these processes work together and go hand-in-hand. This learning has resulted in our launching a program to restore the natural wetlands in front of the Inn & Spa. These wetlands were artificially drained to provide more pasture and we have made a commitment to restore the natural habitat for wetland birds and animals.
Already the birds and animals — foxes, coyotes, deer, sandhill cranes, ducks, elk, bears, moose, antelope and beavers – have realized that this land is a sanctuary for them, just like it is for human beings. We are a recipient of the prestigious Eco-Star Award, given for our efforts in recycling and conservation. We strive to encourage, promote and support ecological consciousness with all with whom we come in contact.
We have an extensive recycling program and guests are invited to participate when staying here. These things taken together define the philosophy of Boulder Hot Springs Inn, Spa and Retreat Center, and we believe that here, you will find a place of peace like no other in the world.
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